Acquisitions, 1st September to 30th September 2015

Was down to half a bar when I lucked out and noticed that Mike had just added some shampoo bars.
Ordered three and received them today. Hands down, so far, my most favorite shampoo - bar or not - and have been using them almost exclusively for about a year now.

Was down to half a bar when I lucked out and noticed that Mike had just added some shampoo bars.
Ordered three and received them today. Hands down, so far, my most favorite shampoo - bar or not - and have been using them almost exclusively for about a year now.

Have you tried Dr Squatch Db?

The Pine Tar is my most favourite facial cleansing soap.
Received this unused Seaforth Heather 'n Fern shaving mug with soap.
It was smaller than I had pictured it to be - here it is next to a Gillette Fatboy to provide a sense of scale.

I love that the original, untouched soap is still in the mug. It even has has the paper-and-plastic cover :)

...but the 'best' thing is that the soap still has a very noticeable Fern scent :)

Now the only question use or to display....

I think they came out in various models and scent.
Not counting the bottles, only the mugs, I've seen them with;
- Heather 'n Fern,
- "For Men" (two different models),
- "Heather" with all green text,

Some has a brown inside..some brown on the top rim of the mug..and some no brown paint at all.

Here's some random trivia I found online:
Seaforth Men's Toiletries was the brand name of the Alfred D. McKelvey Co. founded in 1939.
Alfred D. McKelvey was of Scots origin, born and raised in Manhattan.

It was the first North American company to mass market (advertise) men's toiletries.
It was so successful that the Vick Chemical Co. (Vicks Vaporub) purchased Seaforth for big dollars in 1942.

Vick Chemical placed Seaforth under the umbrella of their Prince Matchabelli perfume division.

The Prince Matchabelli division (including Seaforth) was sold to Cheseborough-Ponds in 1958.

Unilever Corporation acquired Cheseborough-Ponds in 1987 and did away with many of the old lines, including Seaforth."

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I have a vintage Potter and Moore shaving soap in brand new condition and smelling of lavender. I can normally resist not using a soap if it's in very condition but this one kept calling to me. I didn't want to spoil the raised lettering in the soap surface so I turned it upside down and lathered from the bottom of the soap.

That's the cheat I would recommend
A 200ml tub of Dove Expert Shave cream for the very nice price of £4.99 in TK Maxx yesterday. £22 on Amazon and in Superdrug.

Interestingly for a cream it contains tallow, albeit some way down the ingredients list
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