Do you spin?

Cheers for that.

PST and GMT = 12hrs of time difference 7pm tonight GMT;)

Btw, if you were thinking about maybe picking one up for your son it might - depending on this size of his hands - be an idea to get the smaller spinner. The ceramic bearing really makes that one go as you can see in the video :)


Spins like this:
Ok, got one ordered as this was by far the least expensive all metal hand-made spinner I could find and I rather like the look of it. For $65 / £53 incl shipping I decided to take a leap of faith that I'll like it...
(He ships internationally as well at cost)

Here it is w/out the inner bearings insert installed;

The engravings are the California state map ( ;) ) and the crossed arrows signifying friendship.

This is what this model looks like finished;

He uses Bronson G3 steel bearings instead of the hybrid ceramics many high-end makes use. Supposedly he claims it works as well or even better but at 25% of the cost. We'll see.

There is a number of models ranging from small square spinners to various length rectangular ones (to fit smaller or larger hands) - some with holes, etc. Prices range from $45-65

How does one get one?
The guys's name is Christopher and has an instagram feed here where you can see his designs and videos showing how they spin. He makes these spinners on the side in his machine shop and tried to post a few for sale every week. It's a first-come-first-serve setup where you stalk his account and post a reply if there's one that strikes your fancy.
He only sells to people who doesn't already have one of his creations which I think is admirable.

I really hope I like this spinning thing..or I now have a $65 paperweight...

Update: Christopher just finished my spinner and sent me this video of it before it goes into the mail:
Oh they are pretty.... and only for a few quid more than I paid (though not sure how much shipping would be). Can't wait for your pics and report on it :D Already in the rabbit hole ;)
Btw, if you were thinking about maybe picking one up for your son it might - depending on this size of his hands - be an idea to get the smaller spinner. The ceramic bearing really makes that one go as you can see in the video :)


Spins like this:

Yip, that was the ones I had in mind for him. Here hoping
Fidget Toys,

A wee bit of my background over the last year. We have 3 children two girls and a boy in the middle. When he turned 3 / 4 we noticed he was having major meltdowns over the slightest little thing. This led to his room be completely trashed and wrecked. Nothing could bring him out of it, we had to allow him to go through the process sometimes 3hrs worth.

At school we noticed he didn't want to go in, and again this led to him being tearful and upset. Which as a parent doesn't stand you in good stead for a busy day in the office. We decided to make a referral to CAHMS (Children Adolescence Mental Health Service) and in November last year he was given a diagnosis of ASD (Aspergers). We didn't see that curveball coming. My main concern was what is life going to be like for him and we were advised although he may have high anxiety levels and may no be able to articulate his feelings, has a meltdown in new situations, refuses to do activities, he should do well in life.

He loves building Lego and anything that has intricate detail or simplistic for that matter. In terms of employment for him when he becomes of age we are looking at Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, CAD, Mechanics because all this involves attention to detail. My friend works for Rolls Royce, Aviation Section and he said most of the HR issues that come from his team are the ones who are ASD, and the grief they cause the Creativity Team are endless, because quite simply put, they tend to dismiss the Creativity Team stating it cannot be done, because it is out with their sometimes, rigid thinking. I purchased ForeverSpin Spinning Tops and base like the one pictured above and he loves them. We have competitions to see who can spin the longest, the quickest, upside down, you name it.

Although I have contributed to this thread, I am amazed at the different Fidget Toys available from Kickstarter, and other outlets not to mention @Northam Saint (Pm on the way). If there is a way to reduce his high anxiety, to develop his creativity, and assist him to manage the meltdowns then hopefully this is the way forward.

Thanks @Darkbulb for the thread and all who contributed.
I hope these fidget toys help bring some stability and calmness to your sons life, it must be a challenge for you, but it sounds like he has two incredibly supportive parents and I'm sure he'll be successful in whatever he pursues in life :)
I have a $15 gift voucher for ForeverSpin if anyone wants it. I'm sure it still works as I have not used it yet. In fact I have 2, but one needed to be used within 14 days and can't remember how long its been since I had it.

Drop a PM and I'll pass the code on
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After posting pictures on my dice Begleri I've sold a few so I'm going to make a load more. Won't be for a couple of days but when I've made a few I'll pop a message on here. I've been selling them at £5 for two Begleri, including first class UK postage. So keep an eye out and pm me if interested.

Maybe time to set up an Etsy store :D

£5 for two of them including shipping is a great deal and hopefully will encourage people to give it a go and join TheFidgeteer'sClub (TFC)

Btw, the bonus with your design is that wetshavers can use the dices next to their razors that have loaded blades in them to indicate how many uses the blades have had :D
Anybody that Wants to De Stress & Spin then Tai Ji Quan (Loose Boxing) or Supreme Ultimate Fist is a Study of the Natural Spirals & Circles of the Universe..They are Internal & Cant be Seen..Oh..Yeah..This is Me..With a Stinking Hangover that Day an All from a Wedding the Night before..:eek:

I Am the Toy..:D

Greetings Billy

Iv'e watched this video a couple of times and this old bollocks about Kung Fu circles just won't wash here, you may have convinced the person who shot the video but I know what you are doing... It's an ancient pagan Jockanese dance intended to try and charm the Water Kelpie out of it's lair!

Dick. (Normal in Norfolk)
Greetings Billy

Iv'e watched this video a couple of times and this old bollocks about Kung Fu circles just won't wash here, you may have convinced the person who shot the video but I know what you are doing... It's an ancient pagan Jockanese dance intended to try and charm the Water Kelpie out of it's lair!

Dick. (Normal in Norfolk)
Darn it Dick..Sheeesh..:D:D

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