Thayers Witch Hazel...

I bought the Boots but quickly reverted to Thayers. I use it daily but still use an A/S splash as well because the A/S has a bit more hit - I assume the alcohol content is higher. Thayers has about 10% alcohol in the standard mix but they also do a smaller bottle of aftershave - which I assume has more alcohol, but they don't specify how much.
Aye ....... That'll be the scent that makes you smell like you just got dragged out from the back of an old aunt's spare room wardrobe.......

But there's no denying it's good stuff.... I use it a lot instead of aftershave and just use EDT for fragrance; sometimes better than scorching your face with a handful of Kouros before going out on the pish .........
Pharmacy own brand witch hazel is £2-3 for 200ml
The post shave feel is a-maz-ing!
I'm a bit addicted to it, actually.
Alum block followed by a witch hazel splash, refreshing to say the least.
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