The ugly side to importing and selling 'artisan' soap

I agree with Burgundy, the quest for bargains and/or self gratification undermines many things - in this case the small European soap maker, resellers and shaving shops. Unfortunately most people will just take advantage of the situation without thought for consequences. Though the people selling the stuff illegally have their mind very much on the consequences - more cash for them.

I am reminded of the sudden attraction of Russian watches now the price has plummeted due to sanctions put in place by the EU etc. Putting money into a country that has invaded and annexed part of another state and is still fomenting war in that state with a view to annexing more, with over 5,000 dead so far and many wounded...Cool! I get a cheap watch.

My ethical purchase is not perfect and I freely admit it but trying to keep an eye on what you are really doing is always a good thing.
Well, it's a good thing I'm supporting American artisan shaving soap makers - as well as the British one - so that is more money into the coffers of the Allies so they can wage war on the Russians, whose army is supported by the buyers of cheap watches.

Do you suppose the taxes paid on our purchases would buy that many bullets for each side?

Shaving soap - we're talking shaving soap!
Well put across Bechet. Fact is there are more US artisans than the UK & EU put together. Now is that all down to regulations? I think not. The US probably has a bigger wet shaving community to aim at. Yes, regulations are a nightmare. But for the OP to insinuate that the UK vendors are chasing money, and breaking the law by distributing said soaps. If said soaps were not to be allowed into the UK, why can we buy them direct? If the OP's first post is simply to try and make a point about the regulations why the slanging and slighting of the UK vendors? That's kind of not necessary. The hand grenade certainly got lobbed. The first time it was tried it got deleted, did it get that vitriolic?
you can buy direct from US/other non EU manufacturers. The issue at hand is the distributors selling the non confoming product. That is someone just taking a cut for being a middleman. it is they who are being shady,not the US manufacturers. i dont think any specific vendors were slighted but i am sure if there is such a vendor behaving in this way then the slight is warranted.

I have found this post and the ongoing conversations regarding it most enlightening and I thank Burgundy for putting it up.

Perhaps it is the case that I am not the brightest star in the universe but I have to confess that my knowledge of this matter was, prior to this thread, more or less zero.

It is somewhat different now!

I do feel that it is perhaps less then wholly fair to castigate Burgundy for bringing to our attention this matter especially as he has, it would appear no vested interest.

None of us I would suggest are perfect citizens but it does seem a trifle unfair to cherry pick the bits of E.U. legislation we like and poo poo the rest as shite (great play on words! OK perhaps not)

I suspect if the subject was imported toys for toddlers from China painted with lead paint and having small parts that came away, or dolls where the limbs pulled off revealing sharp spikes we would be more sympathetic. Ok it's only soap and is unlikely to do you that much (if any) lasting harm but we perhaps ought to look at the object of the legislation and the spirit in which it was made and the spirit of those who deliberately and knowingly choose to ignore it. (From a sellers perspective)

Just a few of my thoughts lubricated by a few Whisky and sodas!

Best Regards
Norfolkdick said:
....look at the object of the legislation and the spirit in which it was made....

Control. Trade barrier. Exclusion. Limitation of small business.

I suspect it is HM Customs and Excise - or Tax Inspectorate or whatever they are called nowadays - who don't bother about EU Shaving Soap Law. They let the stuff into the country in retail distribution sized shipments. (I've just said something nice about them - wonders will never cease.)

I'm beginning to think that just maybe American approval is accepted as equivalent to EU approval. Now wouldn't that be sensible? I'd have to delete the first three of my words above.
Still got Razorock but the Other American soaps are now gone which is a real shame.
Maybe Stuart will give us a wee update when he's next on

I for one have up until now kept my council in regard to this discussion however Burgundy is hoping for a positive outcome.
If Shaving Stations removal of the American Artisans is as a result of this post would this be regarded as a positive outcome.
I for one don't much care for the Grey suited EU Jobsworths and take my hat off to the small artisan makers and suppliers who feed our habit

Rant over
Think there actually based in Ontario Canada but have many of their soaps made in Italy by different manufacturers hence why they still might be present on Shaving Stations site
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