SOTD: Saturday 22 June - Friday 28 June 2024.

Mach3 (4)
Proraso green soap
Simpson special
Parera Varon Dandy lotion
Gillette moisturizer

9/10, BBS. Everything is great but it seems like 2,5 passes are too much for me. It feels like I overshave... IMO carts are created only for one quick pass, maybe a few extra clean-ups and that's it.
After several shaves with carts, I got bored a little. I miss my Fatip Slant and DE blades. My wish to see how many shaves I can get with Mach3 cart is stronger though.
Razor - Rockwell SS R3
Blade - Gillette Sharpedge
Brush - ES Medium Synth
Lather - TOBS Sandalwood

After the hackfest of the last shave I decided to use one of my Premier League blades. The Rockwell was as sure-footed as a mountain goat. Two passes and some touch-ups and order was restored

Something smells nice around here now… no, it’s not me… it’s the roasted ham we’re having for tea.

Happy Sunday, everyone.

And no sooner do I say 'And as my final shave for this past etc etc......' I am obliged to say, 'For my first shave of this new week of SOTD's I enter oblivion with a shave themed, 'A happy boxing bonfire Eastmas one and all'

It appears this week shaves are to be so themed on calendar events which have yet to occur. No wonder the bloody summer never seems to arrive.

And the whole concept of trying to make a lantern from a carrot somehow got waylaid.

A razor for all seasons - Feather AS-D2
A blade for some of them - Polsilver Lodz
HalloWee*n brush - The * whiskey barrel
Navidad soap - Alvarez Gomez Barberia
Autumnal balm - Baylis and Harding
A winter's scent - Eau Sauvage
'Mmmm. Shaven, shaven, disgraceful'

The razor which still confuses the hell out of me. It doesn't do a thing. At least that is how it feels. Skims across the surface and takes twice as long as any other razor to get that 'Mmmm, bloody well shaved' sensation, yet delivers a superlative finish. I want to love it and there is everything to love about it. It just eludes excitement. Lots of 'doesn't's' and lots of 'does' but just too many 'it lacks'. A bit like the England football team. Still, a great Easter Monday shave and look forward to the New Year next week.

Some appropriate music? Of course. It is over to those Lady Baby girls, minus the Lady Baby bit....

Try some shims Chris, gives a bit more action and works for me. Otherwise I would BST mine.
A nice slow, contemplative Sunday afternoon shave.
An entry for Tech Junekies as well as the first run with this razor cerakoted.

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Tech (English, aluminium handle)
Blade: Colorlamb Super Platinum
Brush: Men Rock Unknown. Probably synthetic
Lather: Stirling Sweet Stuff
Aftershave: Ocean Tonic
Pre - Dove Original Cream Bar
Brush - AP400B Slim Brass 22mm Silvertip Synth
Soap - D. R. Harris Arlington
Razor - Athena
Blade - Wizamet SI
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Cinnamon & Patchouli lotion
A/S - Barbour "2016" EDT

Its always good to get home after a weekend away.
Enjoy your day all.
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Sun 23rd June

Aleppo soap - Shave pre wash
The Grosvenor - 404mixed
Ach Brito Mogno
NOS Schick Super 11
Schick Super 11 Ultrex ( 4 )
Tuff Green A/S lotion

Just clearing up from lunch, and friend called wanting to visit us, as travelling Home from a Wedding in Canterbury and we are en route. I was in scruff order, and needed a quick Shave , finding this Cart really fits the bill and without fuss got a nice close all round finish.
Nice when you get these unexpected visits, from someone you don’t see often as she lives some distance away.


Simpson Duke 2 SiLVERTiP
Karve Overlander
Polsilver Łódź (2)
D.R. Harris Arlington
Thayer’s Lavender witch hazel
Arlington a/s

A welcome return of the Arlington soap for me. I had it in stick format several years ago, and have only recently replaced it in a bowl.
Lovely understated scent. Slightly better performance than I recall, Harris did reformulate (evidently, for the better) a few years ago.

It seems easy to do for tallow formulations, why can’t the other big houses get it right?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend chaps.
SOTD Sun 23 Jun 2024

Happier, shave

Tallow+Steel Baygere Shaving Soap
Yaqi 28mm tuxedo synthetic brush
Gillette Tech (60’s maybe)
Racer Platinum Class (3)
Alum block
Tallow+Steel Baygere Aftershave

The other day I received a parcel containing this excellent soap and aftershave duo. It is a cross between bay rum and fougere scents, but as I am not familiar with either I can’t confirm, they are, however, fantastic in both scent and performance. They were sent to me to help me with my loss and to celebrate my daughter’s wedding, by the gentleman of note, @CunningMrFox. Thank you my friend, this forum can be a magical place at times!
I used them tonight with a brush and one of the Tech’s gifted to me recently by @Tony'schin (thanks again Tony). It feels slightly heavier than my NOS 70’s and indeed the French one that he also gave me. But they all shave very similarly (unsurprisingly I suppose). Did manage to nick my neck (paddy whack!?) but my fault and alum sorted it.
Face feel and smell are outstanding (and wife is very impressed - not easy to do that!) and I am feeling much better and happier now everything is calmer.

The happy couple!

Me and my pal in happier times!
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There will always be happy memories