SOTD: Saturday 7 - Friday 13 September 2024.


First shave of this new-to-me razor.

Initial impressions are great. The razor looks great and everything works as it should. The tapered handle is a little bottom heavy which combines with the mild shave.
The design I love, in particular the magnetic blade holder and the twist to open mechanism which has a sliding blade cover rather than silo doors.

Obviously one shave is not enough for a proper review but so much will be discovered with first impressions and the first shave. I found it very easy to use and did not obtain any nicks, even when pushing carefully a little harder on purpose.
Shaving under the nose is easy.

It does feel quite mild but still seems effective. Will be interesting to see how less sharp blades fair and if I will get irritation from less smooth blades.

I chose an English Wilkie blade as this is an excellent sharp and smooth blade and one I know well.

Tagging @pjgh as requested

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Razor: Leaf Twig
Blade: Wilkinson Sword English vintage - 1970s Gold background
Brush: Men Rock Unknown. Probably synthetic
Lather: TDS Lavender and Resin
Aftershave: Dunhill Dunhill for Men

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Signature SEptember
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap Fig and Jasmine
Brush - DS Cosmetics synth
Soap - Signature Soap Britannia
Razor - Parker SoloEdge
Edge - Perma-Sharp Half Blade
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Floïd Balm
A/S - Floïd SE Mentolado Vigaroso
View attachment 125072
I find the Solo-Edge a much better shaver than the Yaqi Katana, it seems to be easily as efficient, however, i find it milder on the skin and i really like the 2pc design (Thank you so muck Keith @AlterEgo for the PIF).
The normal fantastic chin covering from the Signature soaps and this Britannia has a scent i really like, i find it aniseed forward, apparently one of Brian's Marmite scents you either love it or hate, i love it.
I can normally get 2 shaves from the Perma-sharp half blades making it a very cheap long term razor.
3 passes for a comfortable BBS finish.
Right then, get car booked in for its MOT and service and treat myself to barbershop haircut as i cannot be bothered to do it myself.
Enjoy your day all.
I love it too!!
Best wishes
Mon 9 September

Hot towel
Fatip Originale Grande Copper
Fatip SS Blade - replaced with GSB
Zenith 26 Boar 505RC XSE
Hendricks Classic & Co Cowboy Up
TOBS Tobacco Leaf

Foolishly assumed a Fatip blade in a Fatip razor would be an irresistible combination. Swiftly replaced it with a Gillette Silver Blue & all was well again. Had a look online after and it's clear it wasn't just a dud blade! - luckily only 2 in my sample selection and I won't use the other!

Thanks to @ATG for the soap - it's a great performer and love the scent - I rank it above the House Of Mammoth Smash which i also loved. Thanks Dan. Also complemented the TOBS A/S.


Monday 9th September


Trumpers Sandalwood (Vintage) Shaving Bowl & ABW Scanlon w/Cashmere Synthetic 24mm
Gillette Trac-II Twinjector & Schick (Japan) Injector (1)
Pinaud Clubman Original After Shave Lotion

Continuing SEptember with my only injector ... which is actually a Twinjector in purpose as it was designed to take the stacked twin injector blades for which I enjoy the Japanese market Schick. This week, however, I've loaded a single injector (again, Japanese market Schick) into the razor and it was smooth as silk from the off!

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Monday 9th September


Trumpers Sandalwood (Vintage) Shaving Bowl & ABW Scanlow w/Cashmere Synthetic 24mm
Gillette Trac-II Twinjector & Schick (Japan) Injector (1)
Pinaud Clubman Original After Shave Lotion

Continuing SEptember with my only injector ... which is actually a Twinjector in purpose as it was designed to take the stack twin injector blades for which I enjoy the Japanese market Schick. This week, however, I've loaded a single injector into the razor and it was smooth as silk from the off!

Does my Leaf Twig qualify for SEptember? I know it's in the letter of the rules but is it in the spirit?

If not I have a Gem Featherweight that I can put an injector blade in (you gave me that idea).
Alternatively I can use my Yaqi Katana or RazoRock Hawk v2
Does my Leaf Twig qualify for SEptember? I know it's in the letter of the rules but is it in the spirit?

I think we're hazy on the admission policy ...

But, folks do post the Twig in the Single Edge thread, so guess that's your answer in this forum's concensus reality. I'd say, "why not?" ... and as you well know, used my Twig over the weekend.
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