Moderation Discussion (branched from Nishy's Farewell Thread)

Just to show those who bemoan moderation of how insane an unmoderated forum can be I shall post a link to a political U.S. forum that is literally & figuratively no holds barred, anything goes & loser leaves town. Warning: not for the timid. :D

P.S. I am not a member there, but I often get a chuckle from some of the.....uh...'candid' replies. :p
The only posts mods don't agree with contain personal attacks, aggression and the like - or ones posted deliberately to cause problems or ignoring a mods comments. Hm! and ones considered likely to bring TSR into disrepute. I'll stop thinking about it as the list might grow and then be quoted back at me as not containing the latest reason I don't give.

Poking mods with a cyber stick is not recommended, either.

Fuck! if JohnnyO can avoid being moderated it shouldn't be beyond the wit of us all to avoid it as well. A good day for me? Nothing needing moderation. I'd very much like to get back to enjoying a relaxing, fun time on TSR.
And So Say All of Us. Have a good weekend Carl.
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