Suggestions for the June Raffle

Can I suggest a set 'selling period' for tickets?
Like a week? For example first one I missed out on due to the speed of tickets being sold, second I missed out on due to the eagerness to get it over quickly and the overselling of tickets to recipients...
Not everyone can log in every day so the slightly longer period allows people (as well as me!!) to get in on the fun?
Just a thought :)
I'm sorry you missed out, Alex.

So far, there has been eager anticipation of tickets going on sale and they get snapped up quickly. We limit it to two tickets per person so many members get a chance to join in. When the initial surge of buying calms, I try to generate some buying energy - I was worried there were not enough straight shavers and wannabes in the last raffle, it slowed right down. I don't think that constitutes overselling but I hear that you do.

My aim is to sell all the tickets within a week - as you suggest - and then collect all the money over-night (in my dreams!) in time for the Saturday lottery draw. Last time it was done by Wednesday, much to my surprise. Many members want a rush momentum to discover if they are the winner or not.

Last time I announced several/a few days in advance that the tickets would go on sale on a certain day. I will continue to do this. For your diary, the next one will start on Saturday June 20th and be over, I hope, in time for the Lottery draw on 27th. I suspect tickets will go fast!

Boab has given us a Raffle Section so it is easy to keep an eye on things - like the 2015 Bring & Buy Car Boot Sale opening for business on 31st at 10am.

I announce in 'General Shaving' when a raffle is in swing because not everyone uses the 'View New Posts' button - my strategy for keeping abreast of what's going on in all forums and sections.

With all of the above i mind and considering I cannot control the requests for tickets, please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you joining in, Alex.

I can only give you the day a raffle will open as I cannot predict how my day will start, but it's usually early afternoon or late morning - my aim is noon.
Bechet45 said:
When the initial surge of buying calms, I try to generate some buying energy - I was worried there were not enough straight shavers and wannabes in the last raffle, it slowed right down. I don't think that constitutes overselling but I hear that you do.

I think there was like a day or two inbetween starting to sell and then selling leftovers to people who'd already bought tickets? I'm not worried about that last one, been and gone and all that. Just hoping to see a more level playing field next time, thats all :)

Thanks for sorting all this though mate!
I hear all you are saying, Alex, and I believe the playfield is already level - I've certainly taken steps to see that it is, though I had not considered members being unable to access the internet every day. To get it perfectly level, must we accept snail mail ticket requests as well - for those with no internet access. We have to draw a line somewhere and I believe I've drawn it where the majority of members are satisfied.

As you are unable to buy tickets it seems a fair assumption that you would also have difficulty paying for them and slow that process down, frustrating many members and consuming more of my time.

I have told you the start date and approximate time, I have posted suggested ticket prices. I'll firm all that up nearer the start of sales. If you can't arrange to be near a computer at the right time, it would seem an easy solution to your problem to have a friend with internet access act on your behalf. Pay him up front, tell him your preferred numbers ... I can't do that for you as it would constitute advanced sales but I feel sure if you ask the question, someone here would act for you.

Does that sound like a viable plan to you, Alex? Would it/could it solve your problem and leave me to run the raffles in a consistent format?
I am sorry that me quoting a single fact has pissed you off enough to go on a range of assumptions and post what you posted.
In fact, I am sorry I mentioned anything at all.

Carry on :)
I'm not pissed off, Alex - I was trying to help you. I'm at a loss to understand your last post. I think this matter is best left here.
Dont worry, it's probably a language thing. Your previous post came across rather pedantic (gogo internet), and me being a non native english speaker probably doesn't help.
Again, thanks for all you efforts, and just ignore what I said.
There is no limit per se but we have to work in multiples of forty-nine - the number of balls in the Lottery.

All will be revealed when I start the June Raffle on the 24th - or you can go back in this thread and read my proposed methodology. Post #35.
So every participant gets a unique number 1...49, odd or even (98 tickets). If the first ball is odd then only odd tickets can win (if even, then only even tickets win).

Suppose some lucky guy buys "9 odd" and the UK Lotto produces 1 9 9 9 9 9. Does that lucky guy win five razors?
While we are on the subject, we only need ninety-eight tickets for expensive prizes. The question arises - do we like that many tickets and expensive prizes or only forty-nine tickets and less expensive items.

I might well have an opinion against this after the June Raffle with its ninety-eight tickets but at the moment I like us having the chance to win stuff we'd never ordinarily get to own. What do you think?

For July I'm lining up expensive items but let's see what opinion is and how June works out.
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