SOTD: Saturday 10 - Friday 16 August 2024.

Tuesday 13th August

Ever Ready Natural Angle HFT - GEM Stainless #2 - Yaqi Red Marble - OSP UKWSS Herb Garden - Williams Aqua Velva AS - Aloe Vera Gel
Pre: wash with Droyts glycerine soap
Razorock Hawk V3A and Kai Captain Pink (2)
Highlander Forum LE synth
Tabac tallow soap
Post: Bio oil and Tabac EdC

I had pushed my last blade all the way up to 11 which was a mistake. Must have caught it on the (spinal) tap! Yesterday I popped a new one in, and as usual, first run was a little harsh. Today however, everything was just perfect and I've just had a lovely smooth comfy shave with excellent results. I'm not sure if it's the Bio oil or good genetics but my skin doesn't feel as old as I am!
Just a Heads-up about the Freshwood aftershave and aftershave balm. The Mrs is under the impression that these are going to be discontinued, if not already. So if anyone wants to stock up or try it for the first time, its probably a case of now or never!
Thanks for the heads-up. I went to my local branch and no sign of anything Freshwood at all.

The website says "when it's gone it's gone" and "stock coming soon". So that clears that up!
Tabac Tuesday
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap Fig and Jasmine
Brush - Semogue SOC BTS Boar
Soap - Tabac
Razor - Blackland Brassbird
Blade - Personna Med Prep
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tabac
A/S - Tabac Aftershave Splash
Wk 33 (4).jpg
I just love using the Brassbird, a very smooth, comfortable razor, for me the smoothest Blackbird i have tried.
Today paired with a Med Prep had me BBS in 2 passes with a little bit touch-up here and there.
Enjoy your day all.
Oh my, how damn useless am? Very

Another one of those, if I don't get these in quickly, I never will. And that is totally against the rules and pledges of SOTDing. So here they are, and as the song goes, 'Once, twice, three times an SOTD'. I would have said 'lady', but I've never met one. Never mind two or three of them.

And so here they are, three shaves themed (and accepted by the board of theming things), 'Once, twice, three times a shaver'

And no it isn't a Karaoke shave. You are saved.

Once. Friday

Once upon a time - Occams Enoch
One Blade (but not a OneBlade) - Feather Professional
One brush to rule them all - Highlander LE 2023
3-2-1 Dustybin - Penhaligons Bayolea
Once I had soft skin - Simple (now it's like sandpaper. Simple)
One two three four five, my scent is working overtime - Valentino Born in Roma

'Take one. That's it Mr Friendly, and do try to smile'

What!? Last week's final entry? Indeed that is how damn useless I really am.

I am going to assume it must have been good. Most of my shaves are...And only because I know how much you missed them last Friday....

Twice. Saturday


A two way razor - Tatara Nodachi
Blade with two edges - Brazilian Wilkie
1-1 = 2 brush - Highlander Marine AFC*
Two of these - ADP Collezione Barbierre
Twice the moisturiser - Collagen
No.2 - No.89

'Sad gits'

Presumably another wonderful shave. And in fact it was. Anyone want to buy my car which looks a number two?

And a Japanese girly band with only two of them in it. But do I love this song or what?.....

Indeed, or what?

*1-1. The scoreline Saturday for our newly promoted Marine AFC. Not too bad a start

Three, Sunday


Three little pigs - Stainless Mongoose
One bacon cutter - Feather Professional
Tres amigo - Zenith dark synthetic
Third of a tin - Signature secret coconut
Three in one oil - Collagen
(Must be a new multipurpose anal lube)
The third man scent - Laboratory Gorse

@Johnny Bravo How do you manage to have SOTD's including several thousand Giphis, when I get to two and a 'Sod off'? Go on. How much are you paying for this privilege? You may find a law suit coming your way for unfair practices.

Was it a good shave? Better than any @Johnny Bravo ever has. See you in court, or down a dark alley one evening. You poo poo snail.

I shall end on the best Japanese girly trio on the planet and their wonderful song 'Johnny Bravo, kiĺ kill kill'. 'Just fight'

And I love you all (well nearly all of you)

PS. I will be back later as I have shaved again since I started this prattle. I have since ran out of impotence* impetus

*That as well
Thanks for the heads-up. I went to my local branch and no sign of anything Freshwood at all.

The website says "when it's gone it's gone" and "stock coming soon". So that clears that up!
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That website has always been a bit on the cack side!

For what it's worth, the wife thinks they will be restocking the Freshwood electric pre-shave.:oops:
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