SOTD: Saturday 31 August - Friday 06 September 2024.

Razor - Timor
Blade - Gillette Perma-Sharp
Brush - ES Medium Synthetic
Lather - Trumper’s Spanish Leather cream

This shave is also a nod to Executive Shaving as I bought the razor and brush from there upon my re-emergence into the DE community.

The Timor was being a bit neglected… why? With this blade it outperformed even my favoured Rockwell. Two passes and a bit of discretion on the polishing avoided any hint of irritation. To me, the Timor exudes a bit of retro charm and (importantly) is wide enough to totally cover the end tabs of the blade.

Nothing screams “first day of meteorological Autumn” like the scent of Spanish Leather. Excellent performance as usual.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone.

Sunday 1st September

Pre-Shave: Champneys Active Face Wash and Garnier Pure Active 3-in-1 Clay Mask
Razor & blade: Gillette Slim Adjustable with Gillette
Silver Blue blade
Soap: Wickham Soap Co. 1912 Russian Leather
Brush: Razorock Italian barber pole
Post-shave: Geo Trumper’s Spanish Leather skin-food

The other razors are getting a bit neglected since I’ve had the Gillette Slim Adjustable. Used it on numbers 7 and 5 on the dial today.

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep 3P Pre shavecream.
Brush Omega Italian flag Boar.
Bowl Captains choice Obsidian Copper.
Soap Geo F Trumpers Spanish Leather.
Razors Leaf & Blackland Dart.
Blade Nacet.
Post shave 3P cream
Aftershave Geo F Trumpers Spanish Leather Cologne.

I have been really looking forward to my Shave today and trying out the legendary Dart razor.

I made sure to use a top quality cream to help avoid any face peels.
face mask GIF by Big Brother UK

I placed the razor against my skin ready for the drama to unfold and as I drew across my face all I ended up with was an amazing butter smooth shaving feeling.
I rinsed off and re applied to my atg pass, again a lovely smooth shaving feeling.
I could have stopped right there as my face was pretty much glass smooth but I was enjoying the shave so much that I went for a third pass across.
Man only one nic on my chin and my simply gorgeous face was smooth and I mean Huggy bear smooth.

I love this razor and hope the next few shaves later will be the same, I will be back to the Sabre tomorrow.

All that remains is to say "Hi I am Johnny Bravo and you may know me from your wife's, girlfriend or partners dreams"

johnny bravo television GIF
1 September

Geo F Trumper Eucris
Cadman M55 Tuxedo
Rex Ambassador (2.5)
Treet Platinum
Geo F Trumper Eucris skin food

A very late shave this afternoon and back to a 2.5 setting for today, but, I did notice that the final result was not as close as yesterday or the day before. An astonishing amount of lather with the Cadman and Eucris cream, more than I needed. Never mind, an excellent late Sunday shave nonetheless.
Signature SEptember
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap Fig and Jasmine
Brush - Simpson Duke 3 Best Badger
Soap - Signature Soap Coria
Razor - Blackland Sabre V1 - L1 / Blackland Sabre V2 - L2
Blade - GEM PTFE S/S
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Tonyschin's Lime E45 / Argan oil Balm
A/S - Mäurer & Wirtz 4711 Rose
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During this years SEptember i will also give my Signature soaps a run out for the month.
The plan was to use the L1 Sabre, however, since the New Sabre turned up yesterday i thought i would do a quick side by side shave.
In the hand i like the feel of both razors, i do like the new handle on the V2, the V2 also feels lighter and has a bit more blade reveal.
So after a very nice face lather i was ready to go.
I started with the V1 on the LH side in a WTG pass, as i got to my cheeks i was thinking, "bloody hell this feels aggressive today" and checked the head?
Now then, i have to admit i was a bit of a plonker due to my eagerness to get started, i had concentrated on the set up of the V2 so had not fully nipped up the V1. Once that was sorted it was back to normal L1 service,
Onto the V2 on the RH side, from the off the new V2 has a bit more blade feel than the V1 although it is very manageable. The XTG pass both razors felt very similar reduced the stubble very well. There was not a lot left for the ATG pass and i felt again the new version was a touch more efficient than the old, it could also be familiarity with the old and angle finding with the new, both will get a few run outs this month.
Enjoy your day all.
Thank you very much Tony for your usual September outings for the soaps. Best Regards, Brian
It appears I have posted quite a few times here on this new week of SOTD's and not actually posted anything of real interest(?) in form of an SOTD. Then again, believe me, it is easier to interject with some scribbled together garbage than take time to write an SOTD. Which also happens to be scribbled together garbage.

So with no further of those ado things (to be Shakespearean about it), my first two shaves of this new week with the entitled theme, 'Weapons of mass destruction and razors of brass construction'.



Nuclear razor - Ikon B1
A blade to conquer the world - Polsilver Lodz
Ballistic brush - Cadman 24mm Tuxedo
20 megaton soap - MDC Rose
Chemical department - Simple moisturiser
Deadly scent - C&S C88


'Ahem. Yes. They are my legs'
'Not sexy then'

I guess this SOTD was partially driven by the recent posting by new member @amaragaz . Or should that be Amoregaz? In which case, no I don't love you. He recently made a description of the Ikon B1 as being a 'Weapon' and @Mike Smart went on about cats. Neither one is correct. It just happens to be that Ikon was the Greek God of razors. Although Lambda may have a different slant on this one.

And just to prove a point this shave was all about how damn close can you get without being skinned? Very. But in a sensible and comfortable way. One stunning shave as I would come to expect from the B1 Lodz pairing and a great showing by team lather with the headline act being the super duper MDC Rose. Throw some C88 in to the mix at the end and some major Cheshire grinning as supplied by a cat. Ah, that's where the cat comes in. A Eureka moment! I was later arrested for running naked down the street claiming I'd just discovered Archimedes principle. The police didn't buy that one as apparently another Greek God (The Greek God of floating) had penned the principle in circa 246 BC. Being as pens hadn't been invented at the time it becomes obvious that BC is BIC with the 'I' missing. They arrived 246 years later.

Super shavingmanship and I forgot how bloody great C88 is

Who cares about all that? Where are the Japanese girlies? Well one of them. A Buddhist monk percussionist meets a gender neutral guitarist meets some lady completely out of her tree. And no it's not Midori. It's those MO8 folk



Not quite brass, but more bronzed razor - Timeless bronze
Stainless not bronze - Feather
Wooden brass - Steven Jagger 30mm Cashmere
Bronze coloured soap _ Abbate Y Mantia Krokos soap
Brass Pink colored moisturiser - Collagen
a brassy scent - Abbate Y Mantia Krokos EDC

No Giphy available at this moment but we do hope to have a restock next week

A second outing for the newly acquired Timeless bronze and I must admit I am starting to really take to this razor. I have always found razors made from the softer metals such as brass or bronze to have a real tactile skin feel about them. I think of my past adventures with the likes of the brass Hone, the brass General and the Lambda Athena and they have all proven themselves to be smooth operators.

A small interlude by Sade there. What does she know about shaving? Probably more than any of us. I just don't see her being a lady with much hair other than on her head. Isn't she just so so beautiful.

Interlude over. Ice creams are still available at the kiosk in the foyer

The Krokos soap really needs a mention as it is (as far as I am concerned. Which doesn't count for much) one of the best soaps on planet shave. Took me a few shaves to get it to face lather, but once there, what a lather. The EDC comes in from an unusual scent angle but really hits the spot. Who'd ever think Saffron could be such a potent aroma?

The Timeless itself delivers shaving bliss in such a sweet manner. The polar opposite to the Ikon yet just as effective. I thought similar to the Feather AS-D2 at first, but it isn't. Whereas the Feather makes one shave forever, this one just gets the job done instead of standing over the sink for hours trying to get that feeling something has happened. My wife says I give the same sensation. Except I'd already been asleep for several of them hour things.

Overall an absolutely blissful shave and heavenly results. Not as though I understand what heavenly refers to, but shit, it was one good bit of sink time. Time to sleep now. Oh, I have been

Have a wonderful week ahead and don't forget, 'I love you all'

You can have some more MO8 to end on as I know how much you have taken to them

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SOTD Monday 2 September
  • Razor Gillette Slim Adjustable J4 (5)
  • Blade Feather Hi-Stainless
  • Pre-Shave Tricare Goats Milk
  • Brush Synthetic
  • Cream Palmolive – Coconut Extract
  • Post Shave Thayers Witch Hazel - Unscented
  • Aftershave Brut Splash
  • Balm Nivea – Sensitive Pro - Post Shave Balm

The Morning Shave.
The Feather Hi-Stainless blade was in my 1964 Gillette Slim Adjustable today.

Golfing yesterday so missed my daily shave. Another opportunity to use the Feather blade, I really enjoy the Feather blade with 48 hr growth. So smooth and effortless.
The Gillette Slim Adjustable is a little older than myself, and performs amazingly well.
Still yet to decide this week’s blade choices. I have a few sample blades to choose from.

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